Mongolia to become new transit point for EU and China railway transportations
Published: Thu, 2015-03-12 16:57Mongolia plans to build a new rail line, bypassing Russia, for the transit of Asian raw materials and minerals, to Europe, according to recent statements of Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, President of Mongolia.
Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj comments:
"We can build a new railway line, bypassing Russia. The project may be implemented jointly with China. We have already set some agreements in this field with the Chinese government».
At present Central Asia, and in particular Mongolia, is considered as a transit area of a large-scale rail route, connecting the EU and China, which will bypass the territory of Russia.
The sides put big hopes on the project, which should provide them an alternative way for supplies of Chinese goods to the EU, without entering Russian territory.

Av Eugene Gerden
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