RZD starts modernization of Serbian Railways
Published: Thu, 2015-03-19 11:00
RZD International, RZD’subsidiary for overseas projects, has officially started modernization of the northern parts of the Trans-European Transport X Corridor, a railway corridor, which is located on the territory of Serbia, acording to the company.
The amount of the contract is US$940 million, of which US$800 million will be provided by the Russian government in the form of loans.
The length of the rail line that will become subject of modernization will be more than 112 kilometers.
The transport corridor connects the city of Salzburg (Austria) with Thessaloniki (Greece), passing through Zagreb, Belgrade and Skopje.
Modernization will allow to significantly increase the volume of freight traffic, passing through Serbia. The design speed of the trains after the modernization will be 120 kilometers per hour, compared to current 30 km per hour.

Av Eugene Gerden
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