SBB leases cranes and track maintenance equipment
Published: Mon, 2015-03-23 14:38Swiss Federal Railways signed contracts totaling SFr136m a year for the lease of 65 tampers, cranes and other track maintenance plant over periods of five to 10 years. The contracts are due to come into effect at the end of 2015, when the present contracts signed in 2006 expire.
The majority of the contracts have been granted to Swiss firms, notably Scheuchzer and Sersa Group. Smaller contracts have been awarded to Krebs Gleisbau, Speno International, Carlo Vanoli and Vanomag, German company Alpha Rail Team and Italy’s Generale Costruzioni Ferroviarie.
Among the machines to be delivered, Krebs Gleisbau is to supply a hybrid-powered tamper developed in arrangement with Plasser & Theurer. This is intended for use in urban areas, where the lower noise and ability to operate without emissions will be an advantage. Scheuchzer is to deliver a formation renewal unit, incorporating a material recovery system.
Source: SBB