Liberalization to Start in Turkish Railways
Published: Tue, 2015-01-27 10:37Transport Ministry Elvan announced newly that preparation is completed about liberalization of railway transportation in Turkey and open competition may start within 2 months.
Legislation is almost completed for the new era, Elvan said. The new train operator, TCDD Tasimacilik AS, which is splitted from TCDD, had moved to its new office. By liberalization, private companies may run its own locos as well as wagons.
60 000 TL (about 2.6 billion Eur) is going to be invested in Turkish railways in 2015. 4 873 000 TL will be for projects of TCDD where rest will be for railway projects of Transportation Ministry. The amount for railways is about half of the whole investment budget for transportation.
Source: Rail Turkey