Rusal and Alcoa to establish production of aluminum railcars
Published: Fri, 2015-01-30 09:40Russian alumminium giant Rusal together with Alcoa are planning establishing the production of aluminum railcars in Russia at the beginning of the current year, according to Roman Andryushin, Rusal’s director of sales in Russia and CIS.
According to him, the production is expected to be established at the Saransk plant. Series production is planned for 2016, while the launch of commercial operation of the new plant is planned for 2016-2017.
Rusal and Alcoa believe that the demand for their rail cars will be high, as in recent year the demand for innovative rail cars in Russia has significantly increased.
According to Andryushin, an interest to new rail cars has already been expressed from a number of private companies, as well as a Russian railway monopoly RZD.