Boston’s Green Line extension backed by US government
Published: Tue, 2014-12-09 11:30The US Federal Government has funded $996m for the Green Line extension (GLX) from Cambridge into Somerville and Medford, Massachusetts, The Boston Globe reported recently.
Under the planned GLX Project, the line will be extended from a repositioned Lechmere Station in East Cambridge to Union Square in Somerville and College Avenue in Medford.
The Boston Globe reported that this undertaking will boost economic development, transform communities and also provide a one ride transit option from as far away as the Tufts Medford campus into downtown Boston.
The US Federal Transit Administration has predicted that the project will cost nearly $2.3bn.The remaining funding will be provided by the state.
The planning started in 2005. This light rail project is estimated to enhance local and regional mobility, address age-old transportation inequities and result in fewer automobiles on local roads, as well as minimize the greenhouse gas emissions and other components of air pollution.
The first portion of the project is expected to be completed by 2017 and the rest of the project by 2020.
Source: Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)