Clear signs at airport for Helsinki rail passengers
Published: Wed, 2015-04-08 15:36Clear signs indicate, according to company Finavia, the way from trains to the airport.
The new Ring Rail Line begins operation in July of this year, connecting Helsinki Airport to the center of Helsinki with a 30-minute trip.
As soon as passengers step off the train at the airport, they see clear signs indicating the way to the terminal. The signs guide passengers to a corridor between Terminals 1 and 2, and an electronic flight information board shows departing flights and their terminals. In the same way, passengers looking for a train after their flights can see train timetables on the information boards.
'The signs must convey all essential information to guide passengers in the right directions, step by step. The information becomes more detailed as the passenger gets nearer to the destination', explains VP Heikki Koski from Finavia.
'There are trains in either direction every five minutes, and the busy times are really very busy', Koski continues.
Ready for the arrival of trains
Finavia declares that it has prepared for the arrival of trains in several ways, concentrating currency exchange, travel info, and taxi services in the same area, for instance.
Helsinki Airport's train station is mainly under the responsibility of its developer, the Finnish Transport Agency, while VR, the Finnish state railways, is in charge of the rolling stock and HSL, Helsinki Region Transport, of the seamless operation of the trains.
Finavia guarantees that passengers can easily find their way in both directions, from trains to flights and from flights to trains.
Source: Finnish Transport Agency